Thursday, April 13, 2006

MSM Willfully Ignores Charlie Sheen's Challenge

But some balanced reports get squashed by censors
Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones/Prison April 13 2006

The London Observer carried an article in this week's edition by movie critic Mark Kermode which again wholesale refused to address any of the evidence that Charlie Sheen had raised to clarify his stance on 9/11.
Charlie Sheen is an actor who has exhaustively researched 9/11. Mark Kermode is a movie critic who, judging from his pathetic hit piece, has swallowed without question what the US government told him happened on 9/11 without one iota of independent investigation.
Kermode alludes to the tired old argument that believing the government was involved in the attack enables people to sleep better at night because it brings a sense of order to a chaotic world.

The rest of the article.
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