Bush in Cancun

CANCUN, Mexico (Reuters) - President George W. Bush reassured Mexican President Vicente Fox on Thursday he was committed to getting the U.S. Congress to approve broad immigration reforms, and then embarked from the dock at Fat Tuesday's for a three-hour "booze cruise."
Speaking after talks with Fox on the outdoor deck at Senor Frog's in this Mexican resort town, Bush told reporters: "I'm confident we can get a bill done." He also said he was confident that a 19-year-old co-ed from the University of Alabama, Heather, would emerge victorious in a wet T-shirt contest slated for later in the evening.
"I'm committed to having a comprehensive immigration bill on my desk, and by comprehensive I mean not only border security, but a bill that has a worker permit program in it," Bush said. He added that he was also committed to drinking 10 shots of tequila over the next 10 minutes.
Hosting both a North American summit and The Miss Hawaiian Tropic International Bikini Model Search, Fox said both border security and "scoring some chicks" for later in the evening was a shared responsibility and Mexico would do its part.
Every time I see this,it cracks me up:)
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