September 11th, 2006

Just got back from New York this morning. It was an awesome experience to say the least. Every "Truther" that I met seemed to have a good grasp on the facts of 9/11.
A lot of people turned out on Monday. It was great to see all of the black t-shirts, EVERYWHERE. Anywere you turned, you would see someone in a Investigate 9/11 shirt.
We all did a silent march along one block at ground zero. We were able to get a police escort all of the way. We lined up in two single file lines. The lines were huge. It really showed how many people were there.
A little while after that, Alex Jones bullhorned ground zero. He really got everyone going.
I'll have more about the trip and experience later. For now, here are a few of my pictures from New York.
If anyone has any pics that they would like to share, email them to me here (Expose-Truth) and I would be happy to post them.
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