Bin Laden Tape Betrays 'Phony Hijacker' Contradiction

Target is "U.S. home audience," as with fake Al-Zarqawi propaganda campaign, to reinforce 9/11 myth as 5th anniversary nears.
A new tape showing Osama Bin Laden meeting with September 11 hijackers days before the attack has served to boost the Bush administration's war on terror agenda as the fifth anniversary of 9/11 nears, yet one of the hijackers who appears in the tape is reported elsewhere as still alive and completely unconnected to the terror plot.
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You might be intereted in this Rob. Let me know ,what you think ,if you get time.Ithought it was a hoot. Tim
I finally got to watch it last night. The PM guy's have nothing to back up anything that they are saying. They also say in their new book that they were able to see footage/pictures that the public hasn't seen. Yeah right. They are obviously on the payroll.
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