C-Span Firestorm: 9/11 Truth Symposium Gains Momentum

Scholars symposium to re-air again on Tuesday.
Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com July 31 2006
Judging by the reaction on the web to C-Span's airing of the American Scholars Symposium, the 9/11 truth movement has been afforded another jolt of momentum in its quest to bring criminal proceedings against those complicit in the attack and its subsequent cover-up.
C-Span repeated the show Sunday and set to re-air it again Tuesday at 6:10PM EST, 5:10 CST.
The show is currently archived on C-Span's website.
Webster Tarpley, one of the keynote speakers and panel members at the symposium, today calls for a concerted effort to use the C-Span broadcast to discredit phony left-right gatekeepers who have resolved to blindly accept the government's version of what happened on 9/11.
"Let us mobilize to organize the biggest audience ever by an incessant and sustained intervention in radio and television call-in talk shows, by blast emails, by direct personal contact alerts, by public signs, leaflets, and by every other means at our disposal," Tarpley wrote.
"Let us overwhelm Rush Limbaugh, Hannity, Jerry Doyle, Glenn Beck, and the other fascist parrots of the airwaves with the announcement of the Tuesday broadcast. Let us confront Ed Shultz and the other Air America gatekeepers with reality of the Tuesday show. Please do the same in the rest of the world."
Before its initial screening on Saturday evening, many were concerned that the conference was so unrelenting in its hardcore stance on 9/11, that C-Span would be pressured into canning the show. This proved not to be the case and multiple repeats of the conference within days at peak times prove the program has received very favorable ratings.
This is another hammer blow to the establishment kingpins who had hoped questions about 9/11 would evaporate as we approach the 5th anniversary of the attack.
The 9/11 Blogger website is coordinating numerous activism campaigns in alliance with the C-Span coverage, including encouraging UN members to view the broadcast, targeting left and right radio and TV gatekeepers, and also a flyer campaign.
We implore everyone to get onboard with these campaigns and help spread 9/11 truth to the four corners of the world via the exemplary platform of the American Scholars Symposium.
Here is this basicly the same thing I guess .See for yourself . http://kurtnimmo.com/?p=493 Regards Tim
Congrats on the AAR plug!
great work sending those CDs.
rock on, every little bit helps & we all need to band together...
BlueBerry Pick'n
can be found @
"Silent Freedom is Freedom Silenced"
I also heard you on Mike Malloy just before. Glad you mentioned your blog site. Great blog, Rob. You're doing great work man. Hey, I'd like to know how that short film "The 405" was done ... and the date shows it was done in 2000. You're right, if a couple of kids can do that on a laptop, the 9/11 criminals in our govt will have no problem making whatever they want as far as "released tapes" of the strike on the Pentagon or anything else.
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